Online Therapy/Telehealth

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What is Online Therapy/Telehealth

Are you really in need of some therapy for anxiety or depression, but life is too busy to try to make it to appointments regularly, maybe there isn't a therapist near you that seems like a good fit, or maybe you just prefer to do things virtually. 

I get it, which is why I offer online therapy, telehealth, telemental health, virtual therapy, whatever you want to call it! 

Online therapy allows us to do counseling and therapy via live video conferencing, so we can meet anywhere (in Wisconsin) you have access to computer or smartphone and internet -  right from your home, private work office, or car (I've seen it all).  

Is online therapy secure?

I use a secure and confidential (HIPAA compliant) video platform so your privacy is safe. I will also be located in a space where our sessions will be private. You just need to make sure that you have privacy end (pets are welcome, they are good secret keepers).

Is online therapy as effective as in-person therapy?

It sure is! There have been multiple studies that show that online therapy is just as effective in treating anxiety and depression as in-person therapy. 

If you're interested in starting online therapy/telehealth in Wisconsin schedule a free 15-minute consult to find out how I can help you!